april 15th 2023

album cover


  I must apologize about last cycle. I've been on and off for the past month and I wasn't able to make myself write on April 1st. Between how I've been feeling and my computer problems it was just not feasible. To make up for it, I'll be talking about the March 15th to April 1st cycle first. That means this will be a massive double-post, at least!

  Especially during the 1st, but somewhat now as well, I am not able to think of much worth writing that happened during that span of time. A friend got me Stellaris, and it's pretty fun. I hate hate HATE Paradox on principle, but thankfully you can play with all the DLC if the person hosting has it, and then you can save a multiplayer game hosted by that person and play it in singleplayer. Have not been able to get any sort of CreamAPI to work on it. Getting the same checksum between 5 people is kind of a pain, though.

  Found a cool shirt at Goodwill, a Beretta shooting shirt. It's green with a reinforced shoulder and typical summertime shirt cooling vents. The reason it was at Goodwill, as far as I can guess, is that one of the buttons was missing on the area up the arm from the cuff(I don't know what it's called). Other than that there was nothing worth picking up. Speaking of clothes, I conducted my best patch on a pair of jeans thus far. Before, I simply stitched cut patches of denim flat onto the affected area, but after my last tango with frayed ends on patches like these, I decided it was time to change the method. I took a vastly oversized patch of denim and folded the edges over before sewing it to the jeans. I'm very happy with the way it came out. Maybe, when I have more of patches like this completed, I will start an entry on the projects page(it needs new content).

  I did discover a new artist, though, called Kan Kan. One of their songs is depicted as the first one in the player for the blog. I've also been trying to look around for more music like it, but the constant crashing my computer likes to do at the moment has dissuaded me.

  Onto April 1st to now. Since before March 15th, I've been having some computer issues. I got a friend over recently and we determined that the issue lies in the motherboard's chipset. Thankfully, he has a spare motherboard he's willing to part with. Unfortunately, he's been sick and hasn't been able to come over again. It's made me not want to use the computer, as having VSCodium and Firefox open at the same time is liable to make my computer simply shut off. Funnily enough, it can keep going for a few missions of DRG usually. I've also tried to use my backup laptop and it worked fine yesterday until it shut off randomly at half past 4 in the morning. Using it again today netted the same result. Fuck me, I guess.

  I've got an Xbox One I've been stewing on selling. Why I haven't already done it is the powerbrick is busted, and I'm not sure if I want to sell it 'pre-owned' or if it'll actually get bought if it put it as 'for parts'. I'm also nervous because it would be my first time selling something online like that. The computer issues have, again, been making me not want to do it yet, though.

  The weather recently has been oddly cold. I'm not complaining, I love the cold, but it was just odd. It got to almost freezing at night a few nights, and the high was under 70 degrees F. Maybe it's not odd and I'm just not a knower, but I found it odd.

  A band I like, Body Maintenance, released a new album this month! I made a bad financial decision and bought one of their shirts, the Glass Faces one. All in I'm about 36 bucks into it because of shipping and the Paypal currency conversion fee. I'm not sure if it's a good thing that I can just get emails instantly about this stuff nowadays. 30 years ago the best place to find out about new releases would have been a record shop, and I would have had to talk with someone to find out, probably. With an email I can just sleep until noon and then check and see instantly, no relationships formed or whatever. Maybe I'm too young to point this out, but I don't think that's a good thing. Still, the album rocks and I'm glad, if financially stressed, to have bought the shirt. I am having a very different experience than people before me, and that's a good thing and a bad thing. The anticipation of waiting for a band you like to release a new album is probably the same, though.

  Speaking of questionable financial decisions, the first session of the Cyberpunk 2020 game was on the 9th, which was also our Easter celebration, and the day before I had paid a friend 25 bucks for character art(again, more like 27 because I didn't want him to get taxed). I'd say it's more like a gift because I know he'd draw it just for practice if I really wanted him to ;). I'm happy with how the art came out(you'll get to see it when the campaign is over or he dies) but, again, financially stressed over it.

  Speaking of tabletop, Sif helped me generate a MegaTraveller character which was fun. I like systems where you can generate a character like that, Cyberpunk does it as well. You follow a flowchart or a block of directions where you roll dice to find out what happens. MegaTraveller's generator is dangerous and not afraid to produce garbage/dead characters. The jobs are split into advanced and basic groups, with some of the official advanced jobs like military and traders being really good, and all the basic ones being really quite bad. One of my friends found some homebrew or semi-official ones for law enforcement, agent, scientist, and is looking for others. I was testing the law enforcement one out last night when, as mentioned before, my laptop shut off and made me lose my progress on him. One thing I don't like about the official rules is that it assumes you're going straight to Travelling after your first career. This restricts characters you can generate, like if you wanted an army vet that went into the police after getting out. The base rules say you can't do this, but thankfully, Sif said it's okay to choose another job after mustering out.

  My sister brought over her sewing machine on Easter. She tried and did not like sewing, and I wanted to try, but my mom's sewing machine broke a while ago, so we have a sewing machine that I can experiment with again! I'm excited examine it and start using it. Sadly, it doesn't seem like it would be strong enough to sew leather, but that's fine. I don't even have any leather to sew right now.

  Overall I'm feeling really stressed out because of things I can't control. Things might get worse before they get better, but they will get better. Once my shit gets fixed I'll start working with vigor and gusto on the Katamari shrine, I promise. That's all for now, until next time.