may 31st 2023

album cover


  Hello! I'm in a pretty good mood today. I hope you all are as well.

  I finally got some new pictures onto the site! They include stuff mentioned in last blog and stuff from then until now. I got a handful more tapes and another bootleg Chinese CD, which I was very excited about when I found at Goodwill! I also took a picture of the little adapter piece I made for my flaregun. I will work on the Katamari shrine once I get some playtime into We Love Katamari Reroll, which is coming out TOMORROWW!!!!! I also added a mixed drink recipe and will probably get some more banners in before next blog. It feels good to get stuff on the site done again. Also, go to the index and check the news, I'm doing democracy! Let me know why you voted like you did on my Neocities profile if you'd like.

  I cleaned the Singer sewing machine and got the bobbin cover in the mail. It arrived much earlier than expected, which was June 6th(because I wanted free shipping). I used brake cleaner to clean the adhesive off the body, which I was surprised to see worked very well and did not affect the plastic at all. I have it set up most of the way but I obviously need to read the owner's manual a bit more to understand what I'm doing wrong... I'm glad to have it ready to go when I am, though, and I will be posting about my progress. I may even make another page for textiles!

  I've wanted to play Arma 3 really bad recently. I started playing some Vindicta singleplayer, but some friends and I got together and played Vindicta and some DRO with the Operation Trebuchet mods, which add equipment and the aliens from the Halo franchise. Whether it's heading into a city to shoot jackals and elites or rebelling against the UNSCDF as URF rebels, it's a lot of fun! It's an interesting idea, because armor in Halo is commonly able to stop some heavy rounds(by today's standards) multiple times, but those same rounds are the smallest you'll find in a rifle. I've also been looking into making custom units for Arma 3, but it's kind of kicking my ass. At least as far as I can tell, there's no mods which add Saturday Night Specials, civilian pistols or shotguns, or even a semi-automatic AR-15 platform rifle(at least, which doesn't require RHS). The civilian clothing options are also quite limited. You might be able to tell what my vision is from that.

  I realized after posting last time's blog that I neglected to say anything about the webrings! Since the Yesterweb Webring closed, I decided to make a button for it and keep it going manually. I suggest others that were on the Yesterweb Ring try to do the same. I also joined Geekring and Nullring in the meantime. I love websites.

  I watched a movie with some friends today, Thermae Romae. It was very enjoyable! Very goofy. I don't want to spoil anything about it, not even the premise, because I feel like that would sap some of the enjoyment from the discovery. I would recommend it if you want to see a silly movie that doesn't take itself too seriously.

  My friend, Sif, has been drawing stuff and showing me it while in progress. It's fun to have a hand in someone else's creative progress, and he seems to be having a lot of fun with it. Check out his site if you'd like to see those drawings when they're finished, as well as more tabletop RPG stuff. We have a similar update schedules, so you may find he's updated the same time that I have.

  Okay, I think that's it for this time. Come back next time and I'll have some more exciting stuff, hopefully! See you next time.