june 15th 2023

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  I hope you all have been sleeping well recently. I have not. Damned sleep schedule.

  I played Antistasi+ with some friends for a total of 15 hours between two days and it wrecked my sleep schedule(which wasn't great to begin with). We switched from Optreb to Harvest Red as NAPA because the host was going to have us restart with a new faction set he made, but he didn't have it working by the time we were gonna play. We've been getting more people to play, which is fun. I'm going to be playing in another campaign as well, Liberate on Lythium. It's a rehash of a campaign we almost got through before the host upgraded his computer. I wasn't able to play the first session because getting so little sleep had me spaced out.

  I've been trying to work on the Katamari page but it's going to take a lot more thought than I previously expected. It's a big part of my early gaming experience and it's going to take a bit to really see what's worth putting on the site. I've also been distracted with the Katamari Damacy Online rabbithole again. I don't think I'm going to find the files for the game, but that's not going to stop me from trying. I "finished" WLK Reroll, and it was good! The new content was interesting, even though there wasn't a lot of it. It also has nice QOL improvements and accessability options, like an alternate control scheme. I recommend it.

  Gurpshammer picked back up shortly after last blog. I've been kind of losing patience with it, I think. Either that, or I've just wanted to be doing other stuff instead. Cyberpunk is developing nicely, though. We just connected all the dots and started our main story arch. The stakes have been raised exponentially. There's also been some real heartstring pulls. Jury's still out on whether I'm going to do anything in characters for it before the game is up. I made a graphic for the game as well, and it got me into learning how to use Inkscape to make vector graphics.

  The results are in on the poll! I won't be removing the scroll bars. My reasoning for removing them was that content in iframes(which is centered in the iframe) would not be centered on the page if the scrollbar cased it to be offset. Simply making the scrollbars thinner does not solve this issue, but it lessens it.

  I got caught up with the Katamari page instead of doing other site stuff, so it's all on hold for the meantime, I suppose. No new banner images yet. I've got a new shirt that is going to go on the site, but it's not washed yet. I haven't done any sewing since last time. I'm trying to get back into some of my good habits that I've been slacking on recently.

  It's getting hot. Sweat! Icky! It's not helping me sleep better. However, that means my birthday is soon. Also, Steam updated and removed skins, which SUCKS becuase it looks stupid and bad now.

  That's all I can shake out of my brainbox. Cya.