july 15th 2023

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  Sorry about skipping last cycle. I wasn't in the mood for doing a blog. I'm good, now, though.

  Following last blog, I had a meeting with a counselor scheduled on my birthday. It really stressed me, so I cancelled it. It's a good thing and a bad thing; when it was cancelled, I felt a wave of relief wash over me, but now I'm going to have to wait a while for another appointment to stick. Between then and now, I've felt a bit swingy.

ar-15 lower  I didn't do anything for my birthday that was too spectacular. I got donuts instead of a cake, and I didn't get any presents from my parents because getting new computer hardware was an early birthday present. One of my friends got me a present, but it hasn't shown up yet. However, my brother-in-law got me a complete AR-15 lower receiver, which is awesome! It was bought as a receiver, so I could make a rifle or a pistol out of it, legally. I'm planning on using it for a pistol build. I've had my mind on a 7.62x39mm AR pistol for a while. Also, we swapped red dots with me so that I got a better one. Didn't do anything for the 4th, either. No one else around here did, either, because it was raining. I discovered that two of my friends' birthdays are on the same day, July 7th. I hung out with one of them and got my brother to make the other a birthday present, which I just got into the post office today.

  During 2 seperate Goodwill trips, only two things were grabbed, one a Hawaiian shirt, the other a Bently portable TV(check the gadgets page). It's sad we couldn't get the vinyl/8 track player even if we wouldn't have been able to use it right away.

  In Arma 3, we successfully Antistasi'd Chenarus. I missed a few sessions, like where the AFRF was kicked out, but it was a lot of fun. By the end, we were using VHS-2s and whatever else we wanted to buy from the arms dealer. I've been testing some mods for the next campaign on Altis. There's this one faction mod that adds the UN, but sadly, it requires CUP, which we're not going to use because of space concerns. I've started a personal save for an idea of how FIA vs AAF vs US Army might go. It's an uphill battle, a lot of towns on Altis have outposts very close. This is in contrast to Chenarus, where the towns are mostly isolated from military assets unless they're big cities.

  Along the same lines, I've been getting back into 7,62 High Calibre a bit. This time, the Hard Life mod. Now that my RAM allowance is quadrupled, memory leaks don't seem to be much of a problem, but it usually crashes for some other reason before it would be one, anyways. I discovered that trying to open the save menu in windowed mode crashes the game, which is very annoying and subverts my attempt to make the game playable with the Borderless Gaming program. I beat the large bandit attack, which I wasn't able to do when I tried to play it many years ago.

  Walmart stopped selling 2 liters of Pibb Xtra, now they only sell 12 packs of cans. I don't know why, and it's not really a bad thing, it's just weird.

  That's all. Cya.