september 5th 2023

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  It was immensely stupid that I delayed the blog for writing in characters, and I'm kicking myself for not realizing it earlier.

  First off, I'm going to New York in late October, will be back for the 31st blog. It's been kind of stressful dropping cash like I have on a ticket(they went up from 70 to 200 in a few days!), but I'm excited and nervous, like I was going to Texas, I guess. I'm gonna meet one of my absolute oldest online friends there, I've known him for around a decade at this point. Other friends going there I've known for close to 6 years, I believe. We've got the AirBnB reserved and everything, just gotta wait for the date, now.

  My reason for not making a blog on the 15th of August was because the Cyberpunk 2020 game that Hed was hosting had to be put on ice. The way it 'ended' was not pretty and had me pretty shaken. I have, since last blogpost, left the Cyberpunk 2020 game Sif was hosting, and we've finished up Gurpshammer. Gurpshammer, by the way, is what I was postponing the update for, and since it's been a long time since we played last AND it's been a pretty long game in general, I went way too in-depth on my first incomplete draft of the section in characters for it. It's also got a lot of personal stuff attached to it, and I've just been burnt out on doing site stuff for a while. I feel guilty whenever I postpone stuff on here, it sucks.

  Speaking of things that suck, summer is almost gone. Yippie! I want to be able to go outside for 10 seconds without sweating all my water weight instantly, and soon, it will be possible once more. Lately, I've been wearing my new jersey most of the time, because it's fairly light and easy to slip on. The Russian hockey jerseys are so much nicer to wear than the American ones, mostly beacuse of the less reinforced patches on the front, and use of more printing in general rather than sewn-on patches. The fabric they use for the bulk of the jersey may also be softer, I'm not sure. It has no signature, so I'm not worried about it being washed or whatever. As nice as it is to wear, I'd like to have a comfortable jacket on to beat the cold instead!

  Anyways, thirfting has garnered some nice stuff, including a pair of CDs and, as always, a handful of VHS tapes. They'll go on the media page at some point. As I was going to one of the further thrift stores, I noticed that there's a new military surplus store not far from it. Having a family friend who ran one but had to sell the property a while ago, it's very good news, and it's pretty close to that old location as well. Didn't check it out this time, but will next time I'm out there. Also, no, I haven't troubleshot the Bently TV yet. I've got it sitting with a multimeter on it in continuity mode, just need to get into it and do it.

  Antistasi has been slowing down, the host and others having unrelated Arma 3 operations and, in general, burnout on the game I think. I'm still hankering for it, though. There's been a few notable mod updates, including Antistasi Ulitimate being put on the workshop, Antistasi Plus getting some improvements from another mod integrated, and the Ace Combat factions pack. Otherwise, in gaming, Halls of Torment got that big update I was waiting for, and it's awesome. The new level is hard in a fair way, things that I were hoping for got added, and items/traits were tweaked in a way that shook up the meta in a good way. It's confidence-inspiring for me to see the devs make changes that I was thinking about or expecting, it makes me feel like they actually play the game, because you can only really get a good understanding of what needs to be added/changed by playing it. I've also been playing some Risk of Rain 2 again recently. I was playing with a few other friends and they had all died on that stage with the eggs that spawns the solus unit, and I got 4 57 leaf clovers from that, and I had 8 fuel cells with the disposable missile launcher and ATGMs. I was basically a portable missile silo for Mithrix.

  I made switchel! It's a nice, sharp drink for doing yardwork which contains vinegar. It's not fermented, just mixed. There's a Tasting History video on it, which I followed the recipe to replacing ginger with nutmeg because I didn't know we didn't have any when I was at the store. Also used a little more molasses than maple syrup. It's a nice drink. Also got some rum to have in it, it cuts the acidity down a bit and makes it a more pleasant drink. Also tried some other drinks recently, Dale's double IPA is a standout, especially if you have it with a burger.

  Alright, figure that's enough for now. I'll contemplate doing another on the 15th, just because I've laid it out that updates happen then. We'll see. Until then.