september 16th 2023

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  Let's get back on schedule.

  I've been gaming a lot, recently. Getting back into Warband and TF2. Doing random Mount and Blade mods with my friend, like I used to a few years ago. The ones I've looked at range from completely unfinished and almost non-functional to surprisingly good. For the former, there's the Fallout mod for M&B(not Warband), which started development in June, 2008 and ended development around a year later. They didn't get much done, it seems. The city screens instantly put you in a scene that's unfinished and only has one interactable that sends you back to the spawn point. Nowhere to trade or enter the tavern. On the flip side, a Warband mod called Civil War in Russia really surprised me with how good it is. TF2 has been a mixed bag. I've been playing it with friends and it seems 80% of the time the team skill distribution has been out of whack. Whether that means our team sucks or the other team is just better, I can't quantify. Then there's been some hackers in our lobbies, a few bot lobbies and a few human hackers. It's been fun on the whole, though. Trying to market my way up into a phlog strangifier at this moment.

  Halls of Torment has been getting a few smaller patches and updates. Some mind is being put towards quality of life improvements, which I'm happy about. I haven't been playing it much recently, getting burnt out on it. Almost got 100% again and once I do I might put it down and wait until they add some kind of prestige thing, or just do a full reset. Finally, for gaming, Antistasi Ulitimate received an update that adds support for STALKER factions, and it even includes support for the emissions and anomalies, both of which are already existing mods. However, the split of factions for who you can play as/slot in as each role is kind of odd. We may do a small map with the mod as an interim between Altis and some Operation Trebuchet stuff.

  I haven't been doing any tabletop, recently, just making a character for an upcoming Sif game. It's similar to Hyperborian Mice but set on an isolated continent in a lake. The setting is TL3 with gonnes existing. The rats in this setting are noble, as opposed to mice in HM. They have developed a medieval-level society with a religion based on four pillars of mysticism making up one body passed down by a raven. The other societies in the setting are generally iron age or lower and sometimes societally hostile towards other species or groups. The main danger in this setting for the rat society, however, are the large mustelids(weasels, mainly) that come from across the waters in iron-banded ships of immense size to raid and pillage the fertile land.

  Have not been doing much else in this ten-day timespan. Finally got some site content other than the blog, though; check out the hats in clothes!