january 1st 2024

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  Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year. December was pretty hectic so I'm glad I took that little break from the site. As usual I've been neglecting it but at least I planned to this time.

  Looking back, I did do quite a bit this year on the site. Nothing huge, but I did get some things fixed and some things added. I should give myself credit for that. It's not constructive to keep bashing myself for having some off-time. I shouldn't feel obligated to work on the site because of some arbitrary timeframe I set for myself. Trying to force myself to get work done on this has just produced some light blogs where I forgot a bunch of stuff, where I think I could have written more if I didn't space the blogs out so much. I think I'll try a more sporadic blog format where I just write stuff down every month and then push that, one "blog" a month with multiple days of writing put into it. Let me know what you think.

  The first half of December I constructed this monitor stand with shelves for my desk, check the projects page for that. It's good for centralizing all the small/medium sized stuff on my desk so it's not strewn all over the place. I also got a baby monitor from Goodwill that was missing the camera, which I found a replacement for on eBay. I figured out you can pick up the signal the camera transmits on my Bently portable TV, which makes for some cool visual effects. The rest of December up until Christmas was just getting set up for, and then waiting for, Christmas. That included making a cheesecake which I topped with cranberry sauce and included a dark brown sugar and molasses in the crust. It turned out fantastic, hands down my best one yet.

  Christmas was great! I wasn't able to get anyone anything, but I got some really cool stuff which I'll take pictures of and put on the site soon. Pictures are something I've simply forgot to do lately, as I've been gaming hardcore. Still on Kenshi, which via the Steam Year in Review, I can see was my 2nd place game for total play-time this year, even though I've only played it for 2 months. I also installed the GTA4 chaos mod which has been a lot of fun. On New Years I had some beers and threw 3 firecrackers.

  Looks like that's all I can recall at the moment. See you next time.