march 2024

album cover



  Been a little busy and also procrastinating. Driving, hiking, thrifting, alladat. Feeling ready to take the driving test maybe, still nervous though. Reorganized my closet in a fey mood. Realized I'm gonna catch that full eclipse while in Texas which is fun, gonna be over there next week. I finally got some rusty old tools I had laying around into some Evapo-Rust, that shit's magic. Also have a Necromunda campaign game that's upcoming.

  I joined some friends in a Megamek MekHQ campaign where we used some of the Classic Battletech RPG chargen to roll up background, money, and mechs for our mechwarriors. Megamek is an obtuse piece of shit software but it's fun as hell. Our game is set in the early Succession Wars(2779) and my character is a former FWL Lt. Colonel in a Black Knight(the BLK-6-KNT model), that mech is so nice with how much armor you have. It's guns are decent, I will have it refit with one less large laser and more heatsinks. We are currently stuck in a guerilla warfare contract which makes it impossible to source things and we didn't stock up on spare parts beforehand. We've had to pass up on a lot of missions because the Federated Suns wanted us to kill a dropship and we got other horrid scenarios which we weren't accomplishing. The Amaris freaks we're dealing with are emboldened by our refusal to fight, but thankfully they're not putting up an impossible fight.

  I dedicated some time to getting some more site stuff done. New buttons in the stuff page, new banners, even a new shrine(though not a huge one). Figured if I was gonna be unresponsive for so long, I should have something worth putting up. I absolutely adore the animated Pibb button I made. Anyways, time to get this update live. C U next time BB.


  I went to the trail yesterday. It was very nice to be out on such a nice day, alone. I took some pictures. From my Galaxy S7, so I compressed them, try not to zoom in.

more goodies more goodies more goodies more goodies more goodies

  I drove to the trailhead as practice, got turned around three times. I'm hoping I can get my license by the end of March, because in April I will be in Texas for most of the month. I'm very excited about it, my friend and I will be going to a renaissance fair, some trails, maybe some concerts. Otherwise, Discord finally implemented whatever to stop me from using them as a song file host. Back to catbox for now...